Page name: The Alliance of Elven Swords [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-16 03:31:54
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Alliance of Elven Swords

This wiki is the hub of the Elven Alliance. This is not an RP.

For those of you who don't know about the Alliance, or aren't members, most of the Alliance members all have stories for their characters (they may not be up-to-date, readable, well written, ad nauseam) that are written from the author's point of view. There for the different stories are interesting when the characters meet, b/c you can read it from different character's points of view and that's cool... yea.... ^^

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the time line of the Alliance stories has changed. Me and my Muse have talked (no really, we did, on MSN.) and we decided it would be easier, and a much cleaner time line to go by. this will not effect too much in the stories (as few of you have gotten very far in your stories) but i expect you all to change accordingly. if you have any questions contact me. Thank you
-[Celeste of Darksword]

They are stories, so if your a writer and have a good idea please talk to us (or just do it and then ask about it)!




[Celeste of Darksword] - I'm the Original author, talk to me if you wanna join. the main story line is REALLY full...but talk to me anyway! we can make more than one story line!

[Ryo-oki] - Is said to be the authors muse that she is authors Muse gets prime second spot

[Dulce Vita] - <---I only gave him the third spot because he owns the page...

[Alleria] - LOOK! I AM higher on the food chain!

[Apollo of Crowingblade] - Sweet, number 5 at last. I'd like to thank myself, for not having a job and having extra time!

[Ceres of Laedun] - Hey I'm Lizzie.I'm not the best writer but the sarcasm makes up for it.Ceres is my character.If you want to here about her you gotta read her story since she doesn't come into the Alliance alot.She's one part wood elf one part faerie.You know you want to come to read her.Come witness the insaneness that is Lizzie's mind.Hahahaha!!!!!

[Driden of Duskblade] - the blah blah blah of this jumbled mess of things...

[leah of lightsword] - Kinda of a Co-Creator helpeds author when she has block or needs ideas, I like poultry.

[Aurora Of Moonblade] - The pyro of the group. Stained glass artist, and too random for her own good.

[ceridwen] - The Nessieness

[rshgngnflgn of vasilica] - the confused, silly one. Aww, he's silly. He is now offically a duck.

[tetsuo] - The Genasi(half elf, half elemental)

[Lizisthebest] - One day...I'll be Optimus Prime..just you wait and see

[maggie the pie] Total DITZ... a bit too outspoken... and well still a maze to figure out.

[chuchutrain] - Yay! *sits waving a flag with a giant "YAY!" on it*


[Saun Of ShadowSword] - I am not klutsy.I just gracefully hit the ground!!! ^_^

[.soldier] - Random guy @_@'.

[black worm] - Black Worm the keeper of the Dragons 

[Christia] - Umm? what'd she just say?

[~*~MLA*07~*~] - The Fashion Guru of the group...No j/k.. im just the one who gets pissed easily.. well sometimes and the one who wants to be understood and took seriously

[SpeedWacer] - The wace of the bunch, spreading love and cynicism to the masses.

[Drummin Maniac] - THE drummer of the bunch

[.ash.] - ...

[Deregan] - The new guy. Ultimate Dragon at your service, but I AM a dragon so I will bite back. Part vamp. too. Don't ask how.

[Morfeaohtarawen] - The forigner, i'm so alone in ohio Hehehe....Ohio is for Lovers...*snicker*

[ababy] - im the winny baby of the alliance. *boooooooooo-hooooooooo*

[Darren M] - im dannys boyfriend and a friend of lydias <-- ^^ he's the coolest gay guy on this wiki!...wait...he's the only one....@$^@.......WOOT go me i'm the COOL gay guy... the rest...suck...okay maybe that was a bad choice of wording...

[Everilde]~Otherwise Known as Larien Elensar.[Go Alliance! Yay!]

[-Living two Lives-]- Joel. He's a loser that can't link his own name. (lol, J/k!)

^They WUB us! ~A.S.
(If i put you in the wrong section I'm sorry, that may be due to the fact that you havent writen for a while, or a mistake on my part)


Stories/Alliance Related

The Alliance Stories Index

Alliance Characters - [Ryo-oki]

people of the alliance

*NEW* Alliance Info *NEW*

A Deeper Look

*NEW*Alliance of Elven Swords Banners*NEW*


Appeared once on the The Wiki Awards!


CREATOR: Lydia Simmons a.k.a [Celeste of Darksword]

PAGE OWNER: "Mr.Kinsey" [Dulce Vita] <---Jerk

PAGE IDIOTS: Lara (the squirrel), Danny, Bek bek, Amfomee Patchit (He does his patchiting when rshgngn messes up), Andrew (he does his rshgn.. wait a minute... what.), Steve (He's the new guy) And Joel (The whackiest guy you'll ever mee, but we love him...)

As you may very well have noticed I'm not on ET all that much anymore. So, if you need to discuss something w/ me (the direction of the Alliance, my story, idk what else, etc), I invite you to email me at -- Dulce Vita

Username (or number or email):


2006-04-30 [Celeste of Darksword]: *stares up at The Ashleighness....nkaaaaaay.

2006-04-30 [maggie the pie]: *runs around in prom dress* WWWEEEEE!!! *sits down and reads Literature Book for Mrs.Barnes* Lady hates me.. has me doing make-up work she lost.

2006-05-01 [Celeste of Darksword]:*whispers* proms not til saturday...

2006-05-01 [.soldier]: Me likey Kingdom Hearts II!

2006-05-01 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol, greeeaaaat, another one addicted.

2006-05-01 [Dulce Vita]: Only 808..... errr 807 more posts to go! Heheheheeeeee *wheeze* eeeee

2006-05-01 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Congradulations dulce, you posted a link. A link that I can't open. Have you no heart man?

2006-05-01 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: <img:>

2006-05-01 [Lizisthebest]: LMFAO!!!!!! omg that is so awesome

2006-05-01 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I thought so

2006-05-01 [.ash.]: Fuck yeah. *runs away*

2006-05-01 [maggie the pie]: *still runs around* Getting practice in heels. *grins and face plants* Ow.. need.... more.... practice.

2006-05-01 [tetsuo]: ...................

2006-05-01 [Celeste of Darksword]: *tries not to laugh* ............*snickers slef into laughing fit*

2006-05-01 [Aurora Of Moonblade]: *points and laughs* Satan......*snorts* That's a good one.

2006-05-02 [.ash.]: *snickers at Lydia* I love you...

2006-05-02 [Celeste of Darksword]: ^^ YAY! i'm loved! *glomps The Ashleighness*

2006-05-02 [tetsuo]: yuch her glomps are really sticky.........I wish I had the ewahs slober......

2006-05-02 [Celeste of Darksword]: no! not THAT kinda glomp...glomp, like a tackle/hug, ^_______^

2006-05-02 [Celeste of Darksword]: WAIT! *rereads Tetsuo's previous comment*.............thats kinda....wrong....ish....

2006-05-02 [Lizisthebest]: haha, yes Lydia you are loved

2006-05-02 [Lizisthebest]: and...


2006-05-02 [tetsuo]: .....O_O......well now that you say that ewah yeah it does but anyone that knows you knows that we mean your freakish habit of licking random people........wait that dosen't sound entirely right in itself.........oh well.......

2006-05-02 [Driden of Duskblade]: we know what you mean either way...or at least most of us do...

2006-05-02 [.ash.]: Right...

2006-05-02 [Lizisthebest]: pff does no one here care aobut hockey!!!!!! :O

2006-05-02 [tetsuo]: hockey whats that? j/k  I dont watch it, because it bores me I like playing it only its kinda hard to do in a small town in need ice outdoors or a ice skating ring.... :(   .....

2006-05-03 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol! i've never watched hockey...but....i like the Mighty Ducks movies! *hugs Steve* i love you!

2006-05-03 [Alleria]: "hockey hockey.. hockey hockey.." TMNT 3 hehe.. those crazy japanies..

2006-05-03 [Lizisthebest]: hahaha nice, w00t go Might Ducks....better then the Anahiem Mighty Ducks....they better lose tomorrow Calgary has to play Edmonton, battle of Alberta man, its an important thing that they win

2006-05-03 [Alleria]: .dot..... dot dot dot......

2006-05-03 [tetsuo]: ummm........I have a hockey stick that I hit my brother with and a hocky puck that I used to throw at my moms dog......

2006-05-03 [Lizisthebest]: grrr stupid people and there not watching hockey

2006-05-03 [tetsuo]: ..........I dont watch tv and there's no way in hell Im paying to go to a sporting event.........I am stationless I only watch movies on my tv.

2006-05-03 [Lizisthebest]: haha well fine then be that way

2006-05-04 [.ash.]: Tonsil hockey is fun.

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: hmmm......i dunno

2006-05-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: hockey, you know, "making out" "frenching" etc. ^^

2006-05-04 [.ash.]: Hehehe. I forgot about the Canuk. ^_^ I <3 you though (though I don't know you all too well...) 

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: lol i know i was just trying to think of something witty to say after that....but nothing hit me.....cept, we should play some time, so....Lydia...wanna play some Tonsel Hockey sometime? lol jk

2006-05-04 [Driden of Duskblade]: don't tempt her...she might just do it with her canadian

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: TEMPT, TEMPT, TEMPT! lol jk she wouldn't

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: and *cough* Canuck *cough*

2006-05-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: *glomps Steve* *grin*............wait, whatsa Canuck?

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: a Canuck is two things, ONE a name that people have given Canadians, TWO the Vancouver Hockey Team, AKA Vancouver Canucks, so there, i dunno if its anything else kus im to lazy to think

2006-05-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: oooooooooo.....ok.

2006-05-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: i always thought Canadians were refered to as Bloadje's...but...i think thats the European nickname.

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: WTF! Bloadje's, wut? im trying to debate if thats a good thing or not

2006-05-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: i dunno. its the European nickname like i said, Americans are Yanks...and Englishmen are Tommies

2006-05-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: Spanish/Mexicans are Pina's ....and....i dont remember any others.

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: yea i know yanks, and tommies, buts.....Bloadje's....that doesn't sound like we are very loved :(

2006-05-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: *hugs and glomps* i love you!

2006-05-04 [Lizisthebest]: ^^ yay! *glomps back*

2006-05-05 [Celeste of Darksword]: YAY! *ish glomped*

2006-05-05 [better things to do]: aww how come i never get glomped T.T *starts hugging a tree*

2006-05-05 [Celeste of Darksword]: you're usually hugging trees, you tree hugger.

2006-05-05 [Driden of Duskblade]: she's a hippy wanna be

2006-05-05 [Lizisthebest]: haha id glomp lazy and about to leave, joining the party scene tonight ^^

2006-05-05 [better things to do]: oh ok good point i cant help it that trees are so sexy but they never hug me back except for this one time.....

2006-05-05 [Driden of Duskblade]: no details required

2006-05-05 [Lizisthebest]: hmm......yea i dont want to know

2006-05-05 [.ash.]: I like to hug trees!! Man... I'm bored.

2006-05-05 [Lizisthebest]: me 2, w00t for beginning of the weekend...theres nothing to do :(

2006-05-06 [.ash.]: Well, I'm at work... So... yeah.

2006-05-06 [Driden of Duskblade]: i thought you worked at the pharmacy

2006-05-07 [.ash.]: Nope. Client Logic.

2006-05-07 [.soldier]: That place got boring fast.

2006-05-07 [Lizisthebest]: haha its better then siting on your ass at home

2006-05-07 [Celeste of Darksword]: or not. 

2006-05-07 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...I actually had fun yesterday...

2006-05-07 [Celeste of Darksword]: i did too. out of three Proms, that was the best. i actually danced.

2006-05-07 [Lizisthebest]: awww i wish i was going to prom..oh well one more year and i will be

2006-05-07 [Celeste of Darksword]: yea, i went to my first prom in the 9th grade. it sucked.  The one last year was....small....and....boring, wasnt there for but 3o minutes or so.  this one was BIG, had a good theme, and a variety of music...and the Blues Brothers crashed our Prom! lol.

2006-05-07 [maggie the pie]: I had fun and Eric did too. People were surprised I could dance.. even though someone said Magen is a STRIPPER... lol.. oh well had fun with my friends.

2006-05-07 [Lizisthebest]: haha thats awesome

2006-05-07 [.soldier]: Yeah, at ClientLogic you just sit on your ass there and take calls...and get paid...really nicely too.

2006-05-07 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: 7.25 isn't necessarily really nicely, unless you do their 2 week deals where you get paid 10 bucks an hour then get the boot.

2006-05-07 [Lizisthebest]: ouch 7.25 isn't really nicely at all, man thats like an average pay here, nicely is the people making somewhere from 10-15 bucks an hour on PT, but i think my friend is actually making a bit more then that PT

2006-05-08 [.soldier]: My brother's old job paid like 17 dollars an hour...hey Anthony, lets move to Daytona and get a job there where my brother used to work.

2006-05-08 [.soldier]: They have nice apartments there too...beaches...a mall...skate parks...

2006-05-08 [Lizisthebest]: isn't it sorta expensive to live there though?

2006-05-08 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Lets go! If all else fails we can squat in an abandoned house!

2006-05-08 [Dulce Vita]: Hey, actually 7.25/hour isn't bad, considering what minium wage is, and the fact that it still pays better than Publix, but not all the same free food...

2006-05-08 [.soldier]: Yay abandoned house! Will there be needles?

2006-05-08 [.soldier]: Perferably used.

2006-05-08 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Publix is better because you get like, 1.25 more on sundays and you get bonuses, you don't get bonuses at CL.

2006-05-08 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: If there aren't already used needles there I'll go out behind the blood bank and get some!

2006-05-08 [.soldier]: Oooh...blood banks. I am kinda parched.

2006-05-08 [Driden of Duskblade]: you guys are in need of some MAJOR help... I know 3 Really good Shreinks

2006-05-08 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I know some really good shrinks too, but they still can't help us.

2006-05-08 [Lizisthebest]: haha well here Minimum wage is a little different im guessing, kus i do believe it just recently as in like 6 months aog was taken up to $7/hour

2006-05-09 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol Damn rich bloadje's. lol. ^^ (that words just too funny)

2006-05-09 [Lizisthebest]: lol and this is actually a part of alberta that we dont really need money....actually Alberta in general is pretty rich

2006-05-09 [Celeste of Darksword]: *sighs* we's a bunch a po' Americans.

2006-05-09 [Lizisthebest]: haha, see now u just sound like hicks :P dont worry im po' too, to lazy to get a job, i should really get one eh?

2006-05-09 [tetsuo]: nah jobs suck....I mean Im at my job right now and I hate it, the highlight of my job is my lunch where I can see stephanie and get away from work......I love repeat good auto in times ^_^

2006-05-09 [.soldier]: I wonder what I'm gonna do for a job up north...

2006-05-09 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Sell drugs, I hear the pays good.

2006-05-09 [.soldier]: Yeah...but the whole going to jail thing is gonna suck.

2006-05-09 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Thats why you've gotta be very shneaky. Or, become a professional gun runner!

2006-05-09 [Lizisthebest]: hmm i dunno, my friends haven't been caught.....i mean, yea i dunno anyone like that (actually not anymore) but meh i really need a job, no money really sux

2006-05-09 [tetsuo]: you couldn't sell drugs you would be using your product too much charles.

2006-05-09 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: C'mon, if he says he's a recreational user than lets believe him, just because he does it every day doesn't mean its habitual.

2006-05-09 [Lizisthebest]: haha

2006-05-09 [.soldier]: I don't use drugs.

2006-05-09 [Celeste of Darksword]: .......where did this conversation come from?

2006-05-10 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: The dark recesses of my mind.

2006-05-10 [Celeste of Darksword]: ah.

2006-05-10 [better things to do]: i wonder what it would be like to get attacked by gummy bears?!?!?!

2006-05-10 [.soldier]: I have a friend who was attacked by gummi worms.

2006-05-10 [better things to do]: poor person...wait what exactly were they on when this happened haha j/k i had a dream that i was in a bag and giant gummy bears kept biting off me head it was weird......

2006-05-10 [Celeste of Darksword]: we now return to 'Revenge of the Gummie Bears: Part 2'

2006-05-10 [tetsuo]: only gummy thing that scares me are those freaking gummy snakes that are in the S & S they creep me out.

2006-05-10 [Lizisthebest]: haha that would be a wierd dream

2006-05-11 [.ash.]: *runs around in circles* Drugs... *runs around in squares* Marshmallows!!

2006-05-11 [.soldier]: -runs around in triangles- Fish sticks!

2006-05-12 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: In the navy.

2006-05-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: you can run in squares?

2006-05-12 [.soldier]: Draw a square on the ground and run around the outline.

2006-05-12 [.soldier]: Got it memorized?

2006-05-12 [better things to do]: when your drunk its hard to run in circles i tried it once and it would have been a cirlcle if a circle swerved every four seconds well rememeber kids dont drink its bad for you.........

2006-05-12 [.soldier]: Kids?

2006-05-12 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: kids: people who are younger than Jesus. Also very tasty in stews and soup.

2006-05-12 [.soldier]: Don't forget chocolate fondue.

2006-05-12 [Lizisthebest]: haha yea

2006-05-12 [Dulce Vita]: Nah, usually they're to stringy to eat. Occasionally you get the one that was fattened for sacrifice, but not usually.

2006-05-12 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: No, I'm talking baby. Baby isn't too stringy yet cause they don't really move or exercise much.

2006-05-12 [Dulce Vita]: Oh, ok.

2006-05-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: .......

2006-05-12 [Lizisthebest]: yea im with Lydia here so "......"

2006-05-12 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: C'mon people, A modest proposal by Jonathan Swift. Geez. Read a pamphlet or something.

2006-05-13 [tetsuo]: ......Stop trying to sound educated and get a life Jesus......anyway I finally got the pictures from prom if anyone wants to see them give a shout on here and I'll post it on my page so you can save it on you alls comp. Watching a dizzy cat is fun, I spun around really fast while holding keiko and well she fell down was fun......

2006-05-13 [better things to do]: ohh sam i wanna see them.....and your so evil to the poor cat then again i know someone who gets his pets stoned so i guees making a cat dizzy isnt that bad......or is it......rfjoforuoitrh....

2006-05-13 [maggie the pie]: I want prom pictures too.. and I don't think you got many of me.. but oh well...

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Funny thing tet' is that I am educated. I just know all of the things you don't :).

2006-05-13 [tetsuo]: nope not really you just have no life at the moment so you have free time enough to sound educated by memorizing things yes, however those things aren't really relevant to most modern day things. Those of us with lives dont have time to memorize.........^_^

2006-05-13 [tetsuo]: SO GET A JOB YOU SLACKER ^_^

2006-05-13 [tetsuo]: I wish you could meet the orlando gang ewah, they were great Im probably going to take a weekend vacation with stephanie down there because they've almost graduated...

2006-05-13 [.soldier]: You're torturing a cat and you tell him to get a life?

2006-05-13 [better things to do]: they have verything on ebay he can get a life on ebay

2006-05-13 [tetsuo]: yes I did this before work.....I HAVE A JOB......I dont just sit at home masturbating and working out and playing videogames.........

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: That book was from 3 yrs. ago sam, in a class you took, called English 4. Once again, educated is being able to retain information. I'm a living sponge.

2006-05-13 [tetsuo]: not really, well yes I take that back with book knowledge but not with common knowledge, and I actually do remember it I just didn't comment on it because when I read it I thought it was boring, well that and I wasn't on here at the sponge you may be, your not the only one, its just I keep my mouth shut more times then not. Although I do miss K.J.'s antics.....none of those stories had an impact on my save for "the old man and the sea" I liked it but that's because I like hemingway. Dont get me wrong I thought a modest proposal was funny, me and ash thought so if she remembers it cuz we were both in K.J.s together...

2006-05-13 [tetsuo]: which reminds me I really hope the college books are a little more interesting then the highschool english books

2006-05-13 [.soldier]: Just because you have a job doesn't mean you have a life. Just means you're a functioning member of society. Which Anthony and I choose not to be.

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Depends on what you take, if its an british lit. class it won't be, they rehash the same stuff. Actually all of the history or literature based classes rehash the same stuff. Also, drop your act. We both know that we've done alot of the same stuff, but please don't try questioning my book smarts or my common knowledge, because if its common everyone knows it.

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Yeah for lack of function! I function once in a while, I support the economy with my money that I've earned from selling the bitchin' camaro.

2006-05-13 [.soldier]: How much you get for it?

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: $1000 plus a guitar amp.

2006-05-13 [.soldier]: Lol, nice.

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: I was kinda sad, cause it was the bitchin' camaro, but it was just sitting in the yard rotting away, and I know the guy I sold it to and he'll take good care of it.

2006-05-13 [Lizisthebest]: holy shit i just mised alot

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: that happens sometimes. Try being gone for a week, then say, shit, I really did miss alot. Then eat an apple pie and dance a jig.

2006-05-13 [Lizisthebest]: lol i was gone for about 2 weeks :P

2006-05-13 [.soldier]: Or just hit the 'older comments' button.

2006-05-13 [Lizisthebest]: shh that takes to long

2006-05-13 [.soldier]: Well that pie.

2006-05-13 [Lizisthebest]: mm pie

2006-05-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: yay pie!

2006-05-13 [.soldier]: All Your Pie...that was a funny video.

2006-05-14 [Lizisthebest]: ...?

2006-05-14 [.soldier]: Yeah, go to any (just about) website that shows flash videos and search for All Your Pie...and watch it.

2006-05-14 [.soldier]: would be the best place to go for it.

2006-05-14 [Celeste of Darksword]: sweet Jesus, were you guys bored?

2006-05-14 [Lizisthebest]: lol....umm k?

2006-05-15 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: *licks himself* Hey! I'm not sweet, you liar!

2006-05-15 [Dulce Vita]: You can lick your balls!!!! How'd you do it?

2006-05-15 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Dude, its easy. All you have to do is always remember to stretch, cause if you don't you'll get stuck. It's horrible.

2006-05-15 [Dulce Vita]: Oh, I'd hate to get stuck. That'd suck.

2006-05-15 [.soldier]: Can you sit on your head? Like that one contortionist lady?

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: I can't.

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: What the hell?

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: The posting quota was not met for today!!

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: It looks like I'm up to my usual.

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: Again...

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: Anyways, everyone should go check out It's where I got the name for my mood from.

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: Renaming classics as porno's since 2002.

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: With famous tities such as 'In Diana Jones and the Temple of Poon' or ' Le Schlong Est Hard' and not to mention 'Ben Hur Over'

2006-05-16 [Dulce Vita]: Oh, and just a little side note. Please, when linking to this page make it [The Alliance of Elven Swords@*wiki] not [the alliance of elven swords@*wiki] (minus the "*")

2006-05-16 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: So we can make the link all pretty with capital letters. :) And you totally said tities on that previous post.

2006-05-16 [Alleria]: mmhmm.. yep.. uh-huh..

2006-05-16 [.soldier]: Curtis watches porn...?

2006-05-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: *glares across room at Dulce* it was supposed to be a PAST habit. he better not.

2006-05-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Ah, the past. Or something.

2006-05-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: and by the way darlin', about you little message up top (uhh...well, not the one thats there NOW, but the previous one,) most of us dont have ART PROGRAMS ON OUR COMPUTERS TO MAKE BANNERS WITH! ^^

2006-05-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: btw, nice change there Mr. Pepper. i like it. ^^

2006-05-17 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: :-) Yay butterflies!

2006-05-17 [tetsuo]: ummmm I can get you some if you want ^_^ art programs is what I was talking about, but I can get you porn if you really want that as well.

2006-05-17 [Lizisthebest]: k i missed alot *glomps for no aparent reason* (btw im bored)

2006-05-17 [.ash.]: I watch this too.

2006-05-17 [tetsuo]: I WISH I COULD EAT........  :(

2006-05-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: you and 36 other people ash.

2006-05-18 [Celeste of Darksword]: *glomps Steve back* YAY!

2006-05-18 [Dulce Vita]: No, it's just a site that makes fun of movies, by renaming them as porn titles.

2006-05-18 [Dulce Vita]: I know, I did it on purpose. *I'll take famous titties for $300, Alex*

2006-05-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Mmm, sean connery. You still like butterflies, Yay!

2006-05-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: *Dulce vita is currently editing page, please hold off on changing his words*

2006-05-18 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Yay, your done!

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